Vault Balance: 47334626.435409 Guarantee Fund: 50,000,000 Verify Guarantee Fund Addresses
Using the DNotes Vault is as easy to use as using an online exchange to store your coins.
All transactions are signed using an off line process, ensuring the funds are safe and secure.
Coins are guaranteed by our coin matching fund to ensure the Vault funds are safe. is a strategic vehicle of DNotes in its pursuit to become the digital currency of the future with lasting value. Its mission is to encourage and assist everyone, worldwide, to support and participate in the high potential returns of digital currency savings. Along with cryptocurrencies, Web 3 Crypto projects are also gaining popularity. It will give more freedom to users in their transactions. Investors may also invest in web3 crypto projects as they are found to have great potential to rise in value in the coming years. DNotes is money, digital money that can be saved, transferred, retrieved and spent at a later date. It is easier to open a DNotes Vault account than a bank account. It is also secure. We guarantee 100% of your deposit through a separate cold storage account, secured in a different location, with an amount always in excess of the total deposit. The guaranteed funds are verifiable any time through the blockchain.
DNotesVault is a web wallet for DNotes, available to all DNotes’ stakeholders, at no cost. One of DNotes core missions is to build a very large generation of DNotes stakeholders worldwide through a family of CR.I.S.Ps. (Cryptocurrency Investment Savings Plans). CR.I.S.Ps. is the brainchild of CryptoMoms, a sister organization with a dedicated mission to encourage and assist women to participate in the emerging world of cryptocurrency currently overwhelming dominated by men. In addition to their efforts in promoting women's involvement in the crypto industry, CryptoMoms recognizes the potential of online crypto casino platforms as a means to empower women within this realm.